Talks by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Love and Forgiveness - Talk by Sri Sri

First of all, love is something that cannot be hidden. You cannot hide love, nor can you express it fully. It shows up in your eyes, in your smile, in your gestures. You can never hide love; at the same time you can never fully express love. This is the predicament that all lovers around the world have felt. How much ever they have expressed, still they felt, ‘I am not able to express it fully the way I want to.' That is the nature of love.

Similarly, truth is something which you cannot avoid. You cannot avoid truth, yet you cannot define truth.
Beauty is something which you cannot possess, and you cannot renounce it either. You can never renounce beauty. And life is Truth, Love and Beauty; all three things together. But our experience is something else.
We don’t experience love all the time in our life. We find hatred, jealousy, greed, arrogance; all these negative emotions.
As children, we were all born with pure love. What happened as we grew older? Where did we lose this innocence? What happened to us?
If we look deep into the mechanics of these negative emotions, then we find that beneath these negative emotions, is also love.
We are angry because we love perfection. All those who love perfection are prone to anger. Because you want things to be perfect, when they are not perfect, you get angry.

Similarly, what is greed? When you think objects are more important than people, then you call it greed. When your love for a person is more than the welfare of the person, you call it jealousy. When you love yourself too much, you call it arrogance.
Love minus wisdom gives rise to all these negative emotions.
Love with wisdom will keep you sane, and on the track of Divinity. And that is the message of all the reverends here; to unite you with wisdom.
We don’t need to learn how to love. Love is our nature. Like our bodies are made up of amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, etc., our spirit is made up of love. We are love.
Love is not just an emotion; some sort of wiggly-wiggly emotional outburst. Love is our very nature. We need wisdom to keep it the way it was bestowed to us by God. And that is what all the scriptures in the world tell us.
In the Hindu scriptures, the nature of God is described as Asti, Bhati, Preeti, i.e., Existence, Effulgence and Love.
God exists; He is self–effulgent and He is Love, and there is only one God. Not many.

Often people think that Hinduism means many Gods. That is not the case. It is one God in many costumes, expressing Himself in many forms. But it is only one God. Let me give you an example. From the same wheat we make calzone, cupcakes, bread and bagels. These are all different expressions of wheat. In the same way, it is one Divinity expressed in many forms. God is love and so are we. Somewhere we lost this wisdom. We lost the innocence. We started building walls between us. That is when all the negative emotions and tendencies started in the world.
To develop ourselves, and to go into the depth of prayer, we need to take five days off and have five experiences.

The first experience is, we must spend one day in a prison. You don’t have to commit a crime to spend a day in prison. Just go spend a day there and talk to the prisoners.

When you talk to these people, who have been condemned by the rest of society and the world, you will realize that there is a beautiful person hiding inside each of them. And you will find that forgiveness comes within you spontaneously.
Inside every culprit, there is a victim crying for help. When you see from a wide-angle lens, you see that a culprit is also a victim. When you see that victim inside the culprit, you don’t need to forgive, forgiveness happens; in fact compassion spontaneously arises in your heart.
Crime happens due to lack of understanding, wrong education, wrong indoctrination, emotional outbursts as we don’t know how to control our rage, anger and frustrations. When uncontrolled emotions springs into action, it becomes a crime. It is wisdom which checks these uncontrolled emotions; wisdom which makes you think before you act. Crime happens when you act first and think about it later. There are those who have committed mistakes intentionally (due to wrong understanding or ideology), and there are those who have committed mistakes unintentionally (due to lack of awareness). These are the two positions from where someone commits a crime, or makes a mistake. People commit mistakes because of lack of wisdom, lack of happiness or lack of the inner connection with the Divine. Someone who is happy, content and in love will not harm anyone. It’s impossible.
If someone harms another, it is because there is a deep wound or scar inside of them which needs to be healed. So spending one day in prison is a very good idea. It will expand our awareness and make us understand those people who need forgiveness. Then forgiveness becomes easier for us.

The second experience is to spend a day in the hospital. When you see sick people who are suffering, then you will thank God for your good health. Compassion and gratefulness arises within you.
The third experience is to spend one day as a school teacher, especially with challenged children. If you have to teach them, and they don’t learn, it gives you patience to accept them and repeat the same thing again and again till they learn. We can learn how to make others understand with patience. It is a big challenge to be a school teacher. I heard of statistics that say, in Germany, 40% of school teachers are depressed. Just imagine what will happen to the little kids who go to school. They have to see a depressed face all day and come back home depressed. You can only give what you have. If you have joy, you give joy. If you have love, you give love. If you are depressed, you can only give depression. This is unfortunate because we don’t know how to handle our mind and emotions.

One day in school as a teacher will give us enormous patience in life to tolerate ignorance and to teach from the space of love. A teacher is one who gives love unconditionally.
Someone asked me once, ‘What do you get by doing all that you are doing? Why are you travelling to so many countries, talking to people day and night, conducting these breathing workshops? What do you get?’
I asked him, ‘Did you watch the movie Life of Pi?’
He said, ‘Yes.’
I asked him, ‘After watching the movie, did you call anyone and tell them its a good movie?’
He replied, ‘Yes, I called several of my friends and told them it’s a great movie and they should watch it.’
I asked him if the producer gave him any incentive or commission to do so.
He replied, ‘No.’
I replied, ‘The nature of joy is to share. If you find some happiness within you, you want to share it with others. That’s exactly what I’m doing. Sharing and caring.’

The fourth experience we must have is to spend a day in a mental hospital. Listen to all the irrelevant talk around you. You will come to realize the whole world is like that. Everybody is talking in tangents. Once you realize this, then your buttons cannot be pushed anymore. You feel so strong from inside. You will not get upset if someone passes a derogatory remark about you. You will stand up to criticism. You will take the criticism if there is any truth in it. You will be able to give constructive criticism wherever it is needed. The courage to take and give criticism comes to you if you can spend one day knowing that people are talking irrelevant things.

The fifth experience is to spend one whole day with a farmer in a farm. You will start caring for this planet; this Earth. You will care for the environment. If we don’t take care of our planet today, we will not be able to pass it on to the next generation. The coming generation deserve better conditions: pure air, water and earth. Diseases are on the rise because we have used so many harmful chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides. The nutrients are drained out from the earth. The American Nutritional Institute talks about how bananas grown today in America have very little nutrition compared to the 30’s and 40’s. Our vegetables may be bigger in size, but have very little nutritional content in them. This is because we have drained and depleted the soil with pesticides and chemicals. We need to take care of Mother Earth. Love for the Earth, love for people is same as the love for God. They are two sides of the same coin. If you say that you love God, but don’t care for his people, then it has no meaning.

Love gets destroyed when we start demanding for it. This is what usually happens in relationships. We fall in love and we fall out of love very soon. It’s like breathing in and breathing out. Why? That is because we start demanding.

I have an advice for couples here. When you find that your spouse’s attention or expression of love for you has decreased, don’t ask them, ‘Do you really love me?’ Instead ask them, ‘Why do you love me so much?’ Even if they don’t love you then, their love for you increases.
To prove that you really love somebody is a big burden. Love cannot be totally expressed.

I have observed a strange thing in the world. In the East, they don’t express love at all. They never verbalize love. And in the West, we verbalize love a lot. We keep saying, ‘Honey, honey’, and then we become diabetic. In the East, the husband never says, ‘I love you’, to his wife in his entire life. We have to find a middle point; a good combination of East and West. I feel love should be expressed, but should be hidden at the same time. When you don’t verbalize love too much it shows in your actions. Just like a seed. If you sow a seed too deep in the soil, it can’t sprout. Neither will it sprout if you keep it on the surface. You need to sow it a little beneath the soil so that it can sprout and become a plant. We need to express love but keep it a little inward, so that it oozes out in our actions.

When I was a young boy, I went to a tailor to get my shirt stitched. Those days they had no machines, they would sew it by hand. The tailor would have the needle on his cap and the scissors beneath his feet. I felt this man had a message. That which cuts, he put beneath his feet, and that which sews and unites, he has honored by putting on his head. The forces in the world that divide people should be put down, and the forces which unite people need to be honored. A tailor could convey this message. The whole world is full of messages of love. We just need the eye to see and take them into our own lives.

Do not demand love from your spouse; let them know that you are there for them.

That is what our learned reverends do when they conduct their mass and prayer sermons. They just channel the love of God. They express the sense of belongingness. That is a supreme act, and attitude.

So love and forgiveness go hand in hand. It is much easier when forgiveness becomes compassion. Do you see how crazy a puppy or dog you have at home gets, how it expresses its love when you go home. It doesn’t verbalize anything, but expresses its love for you. The same love is being expressed in the entire creation, by the trees, by nature.
From Talks by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Talk by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for successful Marriage

Marriage, A Commitment; a talk by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar the founder of Art of Living organization on August 2004 at Montreal, Canada. In this talk He has given answers to some of the questions that are related to marriage, devotion, love and commitment in our life. Thanks Guruji for giving such a valuable knowledge and education to us.

Q: Guruji, can you comment on the commitment in marriage?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: life energy meets two banks to flows; those are commitment. Water when they flow between two banks, they have a direction. Similarly life force in you flows is a direction and the banks of those directions are commitment. And wedding is such a commitment. Commitment to share and care. Share one’s life and care for the other. It
helps one to come out of self centeredness. In marriages, you know always think about one self; then now you have to don’t to think about yourself, think about your spouse. For everything, even if you want go on vacation you can’t just wonder alone; you’ve to consult madam. You’ve to consult your better half; and all decisions have to be taken in consultation.

Q: Guruji how can be one devoted in the institution of marriage?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: devotion is nothing but love; it mix maturity. See you love somebody, because you like something in that somebody. Your likes and dislikes always changing. Suppose tomorrow your likes changed, your dislikes changed, and then your love turns into hatred. But when the love matures and doesn’t turn into hatred, that love is called devotion. Some so devoted to wife means, how much she is, whatever she is, I just am committed to her. That’s devotion. The first is attraction; just on the physical level. Attraction dies on very fast. On the physical level there is attraction. The step further on the mental level, there is love. And it is in the mental level - jealousy, possessiveness, hatred all these distortions of love happens. But when you surpass that level, then there comes devotion. It’s at to the love of that mother to her child. Mother doesn’t bother about the child thinks and does. You know, the child kicks the mother or are screams at the mother; she is not perturbed at all. Still she goes and takes the parents feet, sits and dissolves everything. Child is kicking in, screaming in, running in, it refusing to take medicines that she loves conclusion and doesn’t get emotions, cheese after the kid; and she siege that kid has what he does for that kid, she gives it; and that is what devotion is; which is independent of the reaction or response. The love which is independent of response is called devotion.

From Talks by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talks on Handling People

You cannot control somebody. This person is like that, what can you do with them? By our telling something to somebody, they don’t change and you should not control anybody. This is what my conclusion is, what? Don’t control anybody. Let them go the way they want. Gently guide them if they listen to you. If they don’t listen to you, well, it is their problem. What can you do?

Are you getting what I’m saying? You try to control them - your kids, spouse, and friends - without any intention; your trying to control them has no bad intention at all. But well, what can you do when they get so angry? You know, your anger is because of trying to control. The moment you stop trying to control somebody, your anger also vanishes, got it? Hmmm? You get irritable when somebody doesn’t listen, right? You tell them ten times still they don’t listen, and then what do you get? Irritated. Then your knowledge should come “Well this is the way that person is suppose to be. What can you do?  Jai Guru Dev!”  So immediately what happens? At least your brain gets relaxation, you don’t get irritated.

So, what did I say? Stop trying to control any situation, any person. You are at peace; our wanting to control is the problem. Do you get it? In any situation things will happen, this way or that way. Do your best and leave the rest. Finished. Got it?

Now, this should not be mistaken for lethargy, lack of leadership, lack of initiative, or orderliness. Are you getting what I’m saying? This is a very, very fine balance. A wise person understands to lead without control, got it? Gently lead without trying to control. And then don’t lose patience to tell not once, but ten times. You should not say it in the very first time “Oh, I said it anyway and that person didn’t listen.” No, you should have the patience to say it ten times and if they still don’t do it, then don’t get upset.

This is wisdom, having the patience to say ten times. How will you say it ten times if they don’t do it once, twice, thrice, and you say, “Well, they don’t do it, that’s how they are” then that indicates you are lethargic, you lack initiative, you lack commitment. I’m telling you something very, very, very fine, are you listening? When you have commitment, what do you do— you keep doing it... correct?

Suppose when you have to cut wood, you cut once, if the wood is soft, it breaks immediately. But if the wood is hard, what do you keep doing? Keep hitting. How many times? Until it breaks. So you keep hitting it. What we do is, we have in our mind the same benchmark for everybody. We think, “Oh see all this wood cuts once this hardwood should also cut once.” Then we get angry. No. Some are hard and some are soft. It all takes its own time to cut them. And if it doesn’t cut and it is not wood, then you call someone else.

You are at peace. This is my conclusion. What? Don’t control, let them go the way they have. But keep guiding them; if they don’t listen they are putting mud on their own head. You know, it takes four-five people to bathe an elephant. Sometimes, they make the elephant lie down and pour buckets and buckets of water, so much water is poured on the elephant. Have you seen an elephant taking a bath? No? Oh when you come to Bangalore ashram you have not one, but two elephants too. It takes two hours to scrub, they get like a spa bath! And every day they get scrubbed, and then good temperature water poured onto them. So, they stand up shiny, ten minutes you leave them and they take the mud and throw it all over. They have no sense that,‘Just now I had a bath and I’m throwing mud on myself again’. The moment they find mud and dust, they pick it up and throw it right onto their own head and look all dirty again. (laughter)What to do? Hmm.
From Talks by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Friday, January 10, 2014

Question Answers by Sri Sri

Here are some question answered by  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on his visit to udaipur.

Q1.Guruji,whats the difference between good and bad ?

Ans1.One who gives pain is bad and one who gives you long term happiness is good.

Q2.Guruji,should we follow parents choice in choosing  career?

Ans2.Yes,as they are your parents,you should listen to them and try to explain about your interest also.

Q3.Guruji,Why we are and what we are ?

Ans3.Just think over yourself on this question,you will find the answer inside only you.

Q4.Guruji,Without meeting you,why i feel bad?

Ans.Heart to heart meets everywhere,so no need to feel sad or bad.

Q5.Guruji,how God protect us ?

Ans5.From the birth you are getting love from your mother and family and friends,they all protects you as God is in everyone.

Q6.Guruji,what time we should remember God ?

Ans6.Give your 10 minutes to God daily and help needy people.

Q7.Guruji,everyone wants Moksha[freedom],how can we get that ?

Ans7.To get freedom from inside,take help of dhyan and yoga.

Q8.Guruji,what is the future of pakistan ?

Ans8.It depends on the Government.

Q9.Guruji,what is the secret that all people easily connects with you ?

Ans.If you are good from inside,all will connect with you.

Q10.Guruji.where should youth divert their energy ?

Ans10.They should come forward in doing social works.

Q11.Guruji,what message you want to give UdaipuR ?

Ans11.Just help others as much as possible.

Here is the Secret to happiness video by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

From Talks by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Friday, January 3, 2014

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talk on Perfection

The desire for perfection is very normal, because perfection is normal. Perfection is not extraordinary, it is ordinary. And you have it, actually.

Three levels of perfection can be achieved: perfection in action; perfection in expression, or words; and perfection in feeling. Some are very good in action, they do perfect action. But they don't necessarily feel their words are perfect, or their feelings are perfect. Some have wonderful feelings, very good feeling inside, but their actions are not so perfect. Some speak very nicely, their speech is perfect, but their action is not.

It is imperfection that brings irritation in you. You hear somebody saying something that they shouldn't say, that is not perfect, that is not right, then you get agitated. Now what has happened? You find fault in their speech but your mind became faulty. See what I'm saying?

Someone may feel wonderful inside--they feel clear, easy--but they may speak something out of habit. They don't mean what they say, they don't feel what they say. Many times mother tells the kids, "You get lost!" And she doesn't mean that, she doesn't feel that. But she says it--speech is not perfect, but the heart is perfect.

Someone's heart may be perfect, speech may be perfect, but their action is a little slow. They are slow in acting. You'll find this in tropical countries. In all the tropical countries they feel their heart is so good, very open, they talk very nicely, they'll say yes, yes, they'll say they'll do it, but when it comes to action, it is so slow. They never do what they say. It's all over the world; all the tropical places are like that. But somewhere else, in more cold countries, they do perfectly, everything they do is fine. But the moment they open their mouth, you have to plug your ears. There is perfection in action, but the words are so harsh.

Every time you expect some perfection in others' speech or in action, see that you don't lose that balance or perfection of your inner feelings, your mind. If they say something, it doesn't matter. See them beyond their words. Never mind any words from anybody. If you could just do that you have won the world. If you cross the words you crossed the world also. And that is perfection in inner silence, inner peace.
From Talks by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar